
betty crocker goes gluten free?

Talk about surprises... I just came across this article about Betty Crocker's foray into the world of gluten free treats, on AdAge, no less. I have yet to try some, but geez... this seems to bode well for those of us avoiding gluten. These mixes are made in dedicated facilities.

Since going gluten-free in 2003, I've seen the learning curve about being gluten free from "So you can still eat cookies, right?" up to recent conversations with strangers about children they know who have Celiac or are avoiding casein and gluten.

I have yet to try these mixes (it sounds like they aren't rolled out everywhere just yet), but I'm excited to not only try them but to also see how other mainstream food companies address the gluten free market... If you're anxious to try but can't find them in stores, check out Amazon-- here are the chocolate chip cookies, here is the yellow cake mix, the devil's food cake mix, and finally, the brownie mix.

I am still dreaming of a gluten free maple bar donut... any donut makers out there?

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